Taylor Dayne Plastic Surgery Before and After Botox Injections
Taylor Dayne Goes Overkill With Plastic SurgeryTaylor Dayne is a pop artist who recently found herself in trouble with the law after being pulled over in March for driving erratically, resulting in a recent DUI conviction. Reading the story, Make Me Heal noticed how plastic the 46-year old looks, from her breasts to her face.
Taylor Dayne, Plastic Surgery, BotoxSince hitting the pop charts in the 80s, Taylor Dayne has morphed her career from singing to acting and back and forth. In the last ten years, she has also started to morph her face and body, from pretty to plastic.
Taylor Dayne, Plastic SurgeryWithin a few years, Taylor’s breasts have gone from small and natural to looking very fake. They are now high and round and far apart, although they are not super-large, which is the only area she seems to have used restraint. Most of Taylor’s plastic surgery is focused on her face.
The first thing you see on Taylor Dayne is her overblown lips. Although the songstress used to smile, since having her lips done, she gives the famous trout pout of women who have had a lip augmentation. Taylor’s lips are the result of using too much of a lip filler, like Restylane or collagen. The rest of her face is suffering from too much filler as well.
Taylor Dayne, Restylane, BotoxBefore Taylor began her facial procedures, she had smooth skin. Now, the overuse of dermal fillers, like Botox and Restylane have created a lumpy appearance, which can happen if the injections are done incorrectly or if the patient has an allergic reaction. She also has some acne-looking bumps, which can also result from a reaction to the dermal filler. Taylor’s forehead doesn’t have any horizontal lines, and is very smooth for a woman of her age, so it seems obvious that dermal injections like Botox have been used there. She also has no frown lines between her brows, crow’s feet around her eyes or deep creases around her nose and mouth, indicating that dermal fillers have been used in those places as well.

Taylor‘s cheeks look fuller than in the past, which Make Me Heal suspects are the result of fat injections (liposculpture) rather than implants because the difference is subtle. Her cheeks might also have be plumped up with a synthetic material, like collagen. Unlike fat, collagen can cause allergic reactions, which could result in the lumpy appearance of Taylor’s skin.
Taylor‘s nose also looks like it has gone through a plastic surgeon’s scalpel. Her nose used to be straight, but now it looks bumpy and has a wider bridge. Usually, people have rhinoplasty to correct a wide bridge, not put one in. Maybe Taylor thought it would give her more character, but it just adds to the bizarrely bumpy appearance of her face.
Even Taylor’s eyes look different. They are much more tight and pulled. It could be a result of “Botox Brow” as Taylor is clearly a fan of the filler, but it could also be the result of a subtle blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery.
Make Me Heal feels that Taylor’s latest album, Satisfied, which dropped earlier this year, was a much better success than her attempts to regain her youth.
Does 80′s singer Taylor Dayne regret having plastic surgery? According to The Herald Sun she does:
“I’ve had Botox, a nose job, an eye-lift, fillers and my boobs done … But I am older now and have realised it is more important to be healthy on the inside.”
Overall, I guess she looks fine. To be honest, it’s been so long since I’ve seen her in the spotlight that I don’t remember exactly how she used to look! The question I’d ask her: Does this quote mean she’s not healthy on the inside?
Singer Taylor Dane opens up about her plastic surgery regrets. The 80′s pop princess, turned plastic surgery queen, wishes that she could turn back time and take back all of those nips and tucks.
According to 49-year old Taylor:“I’ve had Botox, a nose job, an eye-lift, fillers and my boobs done. But I am older now and have realised it is more important to be healthy on the inside.”
TOURING eighties pop sensation Taylor Dayne says her quest to remain forever young by undergoing plastic surgery was a terrible mistake.
In a candid admission, the singer said she would love to rewind the clock and take back all the nips and tucks she's had in her early years.
"I would make very different decisions - hell yeah I wouldn't have had things done," she told The Sunday Telegraph.
"I've had Botox, a nose job, an eye-lift, fillers, and my boobs done. I'm honest about it; I look too different from when I was in my 20s, so it's pointless to deny it.
"But I am older now and have realised it is more important to be healthy on the inside and be fit and look after yourself.
"If you exercise and eat well and are positive in mind and body that makes a big difference to how you feel and look."
But the 49-year-old diva, best known for her monster hit Tell It To My Heart, remains self-conscious of her image, ensuring each photograph met with her nod of approval.
While being honest about her surgery, she wants to protect her image: "Cosmetic surgery makes me feel younger."
She was keen to point out that her change of heart over surgery was not to do with pressure to look good in the industry, and was more about changes in herself.
"I used to think 'I want my legs to look like Cindy Crawford's but now I am smart enough to know that I can't achieve that.
"But I do know I can do a damn good job at making them as great as I can.
"I now know that as you age things will fall.
"Of course I want to stay looking fresh, but I also want a real face and I want to look like me. I do think now 'Why did I have those things done?' I want to have a natural body."
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