Bar Refaeli Plastic Surgery Breast Implants,Facelift Before and After Photos
The famous model
Bar Refaeli has buzz the media by her shocking news, the news told that her beautiful face and body are unnatural. Her beautiful face and body made by several plastic surgery procedures. So, what kinds of procedure she had? Based one some sources, Bar Refaeli has several surgery procedures including breast implants, nose job and vampire facelift. Let’s we discuses her plastic surgery procedures one by one.
The first procedure is breast implants. As everybody knows,
Bar Refaeli has a beautiful couple of breasts and as a model, it makes her carer increased. Unfortunately, the breasts she has now are unnatural. She did breast augmentation procedure to enhance her breast. As you can see now, her breasts are bigger and more rounded than before. This issue is strengthened by the expert Dr. Jhon Di Saia said that Bar Refaeli at least has breast implants. It is very embarrassing the super model Bar Refaeli has unnatural breasts.
The second plastic surgery procedure is a nose job. Based on an expert statement who said that Bar Refaeli has a nose job procedure, it makes the issue spreads in many medias and shocked many people especially her fans. The expert said that Bar Refaeli nasal tip looked smaller. It is very hard to proof that she did a rhinoplasty or nose job procedure, but if you take a look at her before after carefully, you can see that her recent picture of her shows that her nose looks smaller and thinner than before.
The third surgery procedure that Bar Refaeli has is vampire facelift. This issue buzzes many online medias recently,. It was started when she post her picture on instagram. The picture shows that she did vampire facelift including juvederm and Restylane. Some sources say that she paid $1.500 for the vampire facelift.
Bar Refaeli Breast Implants Before and AfterWell if we look at Bar Refaeli plastic surgery before and after Photos, she indeed has some changes on her bust appearance. It looks too big for her tiny body frame. We guess that she has been under surgeon’s knife for breast implants so that her new cup size can look bigger than before. On the other hand, if we look detail at before and after photos, she apparently does not only have boob job but we also found that her nose now looks slightly different. Her nose now looks well defined with smaller nostrils appearance where as her old picture reveals that she previously possessed wide nose appearance with slightly rounded at tip. We suppose that she has got nose job as well for her nose shape changes.

There are many disputes regarding to Bar Refaeli plastic surgery rumor, some plastic surgery experts agree that she has breast augmentation and rhinoplasty surgery to enhance her image. As it was explained by Dr. Jennifer Walden, she said that this beautiful and sexy model apparently had got very well plastic surgery procedures like breast implants and nose job so that she could look wonderful in her 28-year-old-age. The surgeon ensured that both of her surgery procedures, boob job and nose surgery, were well done hence her appearance still looks natural and conservative.
On the contrary, not a few of them disagree if this model has some beauty enhancements through cosmetic surgery procedures. They ensure that she is still young so everything can happen to her. They add that if we found some differences on her appearance, it may be caused by makeup or camera effect or view angler. It is hard to know whether Bar Refaeli plastic surgery rumor is true or false because she never gives confirmation about it.
In short, regardless of whether Bar Refaeli has plastic surgery or not, we notice that she indeed looks more mature in her 28-year-old-age. If she really has been under knife for her changes, we believe that all the procedures of her plastic surgery are well done. However, if she really ages naturally, we would be proud of her because she is still able to stay away from plastic surgery interest. Whatever she has done to her appearance seems to be great job.
hese are both tell-tale signs of a boob job. Surgeons can’t make the same conclusions about her nose though, as the minor changes it’s undergone since her youth appear to just be the result of aging and great genetics (her mother was also a successful model).
Make Me Heal can’t help thinking that not all of her fine assets are nature made and that her large breasts are the work of a skilled plastic surgeon.
Plastic surgeon Dr. Jennifer Walden agrees, stating: "Bar Refaeli has an amazing body, and it does appear that she may have undergone breast enhancement by the look and voluminous shape of her bustline in the bikini photos."
Bar’s implants are well-done, as nearly their only giveaway is their large size on her slim frame.
New York City plastic surgeon Dr. David Shafer notes: "Bar Refaeli is naturally beautiful. She certainly has a great body and face. There are a few pictures of her swimming which show her left breast volume shifted upwards as compared to her right.
While other pictures at the same photo shoot show the breasts at even position. This could possibly be due to the implant shifting within in its pocket. However, I see no other evidence which would suggest plastic surgery. There is no question why she is a supermodel – she is gorgeous."
It has to be noted that plastic surgery amongst supermodels is common, especially nose jobs and breast implants, leading "Body Work"…Breast and Body Contouring expert Dr. John Di Saia to surmise that Bar has: "At least breast implants."
Bar may also have had a rhinoplasty, another common plastic surgery procedure amongst supermodels.
Dr. Paul S. Nassif, a Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon and Rhinoplasty Specialist in Beverly Hills, Calif., states: "Difficult for me to tell exactly, but I think her nasal tip looks a little smaller. It she did have one, it was conservative and it looks good."
Although Dr. Nassif specializes in the face, he also notes Bar’s large chest, saying: "They do seem a little large to be natural."
Dr. Shafer quoted as saying: "Compared to the SI photo, Bar now has two new moles on her abdomen which were not previously present. Her inner thighs also seem to getter farther and farther apart. I doubt this is due to lipo or another other procedure."
Dr. Walden claims: "Bar Refaeli’s facial features do not appear to have changed much since she was a child. Her nose looks more proportionate to the rest of her face, which could be the result of a conservative rhinoplasty or just growing into her features. It does look as if she has had breast augmentation, as her bust seems too wide for her frame."
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