Melanie Griffith Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong, Disaster Before and After Images
Melanie Griffith was born on August 9, 1957, in New York City. Her mother is actress Tippi Hedren, best-known as the lead actress in Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds”.
Her ex-husbands include actors Don Johnson and Steven Bauer. She is currently married to actor/producer, Antonio Banderas.
Always known as one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood, it has also been long-rumored that
Melanie Griffith has been a frequent visitor to the plastic surgeon’s office.
Melanie Griffith Is Accused By Public For Her Bad Plastic SurgeryMelanie Griffith is the well known celebrity who has crossed her early 50s. She is married to Antonio Banderas. She was famous for her youthful and charming features. However, Melanie Griffith plastic surgery has become the real cause her infamous career. Her lips have become over plumped due to excessive use of fillers. She looks unattractive and disgusting.
There are various evidences that can reveal the truth behind her infamous appearance. It has been speculated that Melanie Griffith plastic surgery has changed her looks due to eyelid lifting. However, the actress has not confirmed about her plastic surgery. She said in an interview that she was addicted to drugs and alcohol. Her family and especially her 4 children had assisted her in winning the battle against drugs and alcohol addiction.
There are various evidences that can reveal the truth behind her infamous appearance. It has been speculated that Melanie Griffith plastic surgery has changed her looks due to eyelid lifting. However, the actress has not confirmed about her plastic surgery. She said in an interview that she was addicted to drugs and alcohol. Her family and especially her 4 children had assisted her in winning the battle against drugs and alcohol addiction.
Melanie Griffith plastic surgery has spoiled her natural looks. In 1988, she appeared in a movie Working Girl, her appearance and her figure was up to the mark. She was awarded Golden Globe for her striking and gorgeous performance. Unfortunately, she has known the views of people against her horrible looks. She admitted in front of the media that the majority of people do not like her due to her grotesque and unnatural expressions. People are surprised what kind of surgeons she has selected to spoil her beauty?
By comparing her pictures we have come to know that she has experienced the surgeon’s knife several tikes in her life. She has used face lift, breast augmentation, liposuctions, facial fillers and lip augmentation etc. She has crossed her young age and it is common with American celebrities to undergo for a plastic surgery in this age. Melanie Griffith plastic surgery was probably used to give her most refined looks. However, the result was completely against her perceptions. In order to make her beautiful forever, she has used a lot of fillers in her face. Her face has become unnatural and fake. Her new shape of the lips is nutritious and more plumpy therefore people like to call it fish lips actress. Many surgeons have given their reviews regarding her breast augmentation as her boobs have become bigger in size. She has taken the treatment of liposuction to clear the fats and Botox injections to make her skin smooth and young. Unfortunately, she has to face drastic effects due to her intense use of plastic surgery.

Melanie Griffith – Multiple Plastic Surgeries?Many people believe Melanie Griffith has had multiple plastic surgery operations since she began her acting career.
These include multiple face lifts, facial fillers, dermabrasion, breast augmentation, lip augmentation, and liposuction. Some gossip columnists routinely refer to her “trout mouth”, which is the syndrome where collagen, injected into the lips to fill out wrinkles, is overused and makes the lips stick out like fish lips.
But simply because she has overly-full lips does not necessarily mean that she paid to go the typical celeb plastic surgery route to “have them done.”
Melanie Griffith is not the only celebrity people wonder about. One of the most common internet searches lately is regarding the buttocks of Kim Kardashian!
When Did Melanie Have Cosmetic Surgery?Everyone changes as they age, so when a celebrity’s appearance doesn’t change that’s when peoples’ antennae go up. Melanie Griffith looks much the same as she did today as when she made “Working Girl” back in the 80’s.
For someone living on the ski slopes of Aspen, Colorado where the constant wind and sun can do heavy damage to the skin, some might argue that this is virtually impossible!
If Melanie Griffith had plastic surgery as it has long been rumored, it may be because she doesn’t find herself attractive and is driven to change her appearance and try to become more beautiful.
This might shine a light on why she feels the need to continue on with multiple procedures, if that is what is happening. She once said, “I don’t think I’m beautiful. When I look in the mirror, I just see me – and, I’m pretty used to me.”
Melanie Griffith Plastic Surgery MistakesMelanie surgery went bad and she had to face the public with an unnatural and fake face in place of her natural beautiful face, a real irony.
Melanie’s addiction to drugs and excessive alcohol caused her surgery to fail. Alcohol, drugs, and plastic surgery do not get all along. Consequently, the surgery went bad and gave her adverse results. Moreover, she has undergone a number of surgical procedures.
They may have caused adverse effects on her appearance. For example, her lips now have a look like lips of fish because of the excess use of fillers. Some also believe that excess Botox injections have contributed to her failed surgery.
Various evidences go on to reveal the actual truth behind her notorious physical appearance after plastic surgery. There have been speculations that plastic surgery procedure for eyelid lifting has quite changed her looks. However, the actress does not confirm this. She has admitted her addiction to drugs and alcoholism in an interview.
Melanie Griffith Plastic Surgery has ruined her natural appearance. In 1988, she featured in ‘Working Girl’ movie, her figure and her appearance was great. She got a Golden Globe award for her striking performance and gorgeous looks. Unfortunately, she knows the popular view against her later horrible looks. She has admitted to the media that most people do not like her unnatural and monstrous expressions.
By comparing her past and current pictures, we came to know that she has gone under the knife several times in her career. She has gone for breast augmentation, face-lift, liposuctions, lip augmentation, facial fillers, etc.
Melanie Griffith plastic surgery was probably for her refined looks, but the results were totally against her expectations. To make herself forever beautiful, she has used quite numerous fillers on her face. It has made her face fake and unnatural. Her new nutritious and plumper lips have made people call her fish lips actress.
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