Stacey Kiebler Plastic Surgery Before and After Breast Implants and Nose Jobs

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Some old pictures of Stacey Kiebler in lingerie are being passed around the internet, (I guess because there is some renewed interest in her because she’s dating George Clooney?) and they may be a little bit more revealing then she intended. The photoshoot was taken in 2008 and from the looks of the photos, before Stacey Keibler had plastic surgery!
The 32-year old former wrestler turned model stripped down to some skimpy lingerie for the photoshoot and showed off her fit body with some provocative posing. And yes, she looks amazing (scroll down for the lingerie pics)! But, if you can tear your eyes away from her lingerie for a sec and take a gander at Stacey’s face, you can see an obvious change from then and now. Her nose was much more prominent and bulbous back in 2008. Now, Stacy sports a scaled down version of her original nose, thanks to the help of a skilled plastic surgeon!

Stacey Keibler before and after rhinoplasty:

Anyhow, back to the matter at hand. Stacey Kiebler’s new nose! It’s pretty obvious that Stacey Keibler has had a nose job, when you compare the pictures of her from 2008 to the pictures of Stacey today. All in all, the rhinoplasty was successful as her nose simply looks like a slightly more defined version of the original. Did Stacey need a nose job? We don’t thinks so…(unless it was the new nose that led George Clooney to ask her out! But judging by those lingerie pictures, we sincerely doubt that noses where on George’s mind.)
Is Stacy Keibler Dating George Clooney with Plastic Surgery?

Former professional wrestler turned Dancing with the Stars celebrity Stacy Keibler is currently dating life-long bachelor George Clooney. We wonders if Stacy is shying away from plastic surgery as much as her new love interest.

32-year old Stacy Keibler is the latest love interest for George Clooney, who is famous for joshing about plastic surgery, without actually going under the knife. It appears that Stacy is almost as all-natural as George and has never undergone a major plastic surgery recovery.

On his blog back in 2006, when Stacy was at the height of her Dancing with the Stars fame, plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn wrote, ” Stacy Keibler was robbed tonight… She should have at least made the final two of the “Dancing with the Stars” finale episode, but was behind the 2 left footed, yet very popular Jerry Rice. Stacy has the distinction of being one of the only female wrestling stars who is not surgically enhanced. Well, she and the Fabulous Moolah I suppose.”

With Stacy back in the spotlight, courtesy of being arm candy for George, she may have upped her game with a few Botox injections for a smooth forehead. She may have also had a nose job in the past—although that could have been to correct a broken nose from her wrestling days.

Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer says, “Stacy Keibler appears to have had a nose job or Rhinoplasty and Botox giving her that perfectly smooth forehead.  She has a very natural look.”

Stacy looks good and very natural and us looks forward to seeing how long the romance lasts.

Stacy Keibler responds to plastic surgery rumors about getting breast implants?
To be fair, Stacy Keibler recently gave an interview with "" in which she made some rather remarkable comments about her breasts and possible implants. Below are some excerpts from the interview:

Keibler will never change her appearance through rigorous weightlifting or breast implants.

"I have a lot of young girls come up to me, and one thing they admire is that I haven't changed from the beginning," stated Keibler.

"Even in meeting other people in the entertainment industry, the No. 1 thing they tell me is do not get breast implants," Keibler quoted as saying.

It is well known though that one thing the sports entertainment industry seems to lean toward are big breasts or big muscles from its few female superstars .

To the WWE's credit, Keibler revealed that she has never felt pressure to go under the knife or start pumping too much iron.

Anyway, Keibler seems like a natural beauty. She is undeniably gorgeous. Hope that she will never go under the knife.

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